Friday, October 23, 2009

The Navigator Club final fishing report of 2009

As stated in my previous blog report, now that the Navigator Club - Boston's premier boat club - is closed for the season I decided to go out fishing with my friend Nick for one last trip of the season on Wednesday, October 21. We started out the day at 6:00 am at the ramp in Gloucester. Headed out to the same spot where we caught bait for the bachelor party....and almost 2 hours later we finally had 8-9 baits in the livewell. With the baits, we steamed 13 miles offshore to Northwest corner of Stellwagen and deployed them. It was lifeless out whales, no birds, nada. I know we missed the early morning bait, due to the 2 hour delay caused by getting the uncooperative bait.

As we continue to fish and hope for the best, we hear reports from friends that they are landing fish on livebait down on the southwest corner (off Provincetown) so we decide to pack up and head there (maybe another 15 miles south...probably more?). On the way down, we make a stop or two and deploy the baits and Nick starts jigging a hammered finish diamond like jig on light tackle while the baits are swimming around. Nick gets hit and the line pops in about 45 seconds.

We decide to move around a bit, but the dogfish are relentless, so we meet up with a friend about 2-3 miles off the beach in P-town where the water drops off to about 200 feet. Nick and I are jigging again, but now with 50lb class gear, and he gets a hit and immediately we know it is a tuna.

I clear the lines and he settles in for the fight. About 20 minutes later, the fish comes to the surface and I harpoon her on the second attempt....clean shot right through the gill plate and into the head. I tail rope her and bleed her out, and haul her on board. She is just over 55 inches long and approximately 140-150 lbs.

It is now 3:15pm and we decide that we went to get some cod before calling it a day even though the spot is over an hour away - 23 miles east of Gloucester in no mans land. So, I steer his small boat toward the waypoint while Nick guts and cleans the tuna. We arrive there around 4:45 pm and start jigging. About 15 minutes in we have one cusk and one cod on board. Then, Nick lands a 20 lb cod and I get another keeper or two. It is now 5:15ish, the sun is low on the horizon and the winds are picking up. So we decide to call it a day and I turn the 20 footer west and start making the 23 mile run back to Gloucester Harbor while Nick cleans the fish. The ride was pretty uneventful arrive and after picking our way through some lobster pots, we arrive back at the ramp at 6:35 in complete darkness.

After 12 hours on the water, we were both exhausted but happy to end the fishing season on a great note. I have posted some pictures of the fish for your enjoyment.


Capt. Ed Mancini
The Navigator Club, Inc.
40 Warren Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
"Boston's premier boating club"

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